Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Ok so at last I have taken the leap (although in rather a desperate fashion) and bought myself some proper person equipment in the form of a D700. Probably the worst timing EVER since I've needed it for at least a year, the new model is due in shops next month, and I paid nearly full price for a second hander.

This baby is friggin sharp!

Coming from a poor little D90 that is well over its expected shutter life, and which no longer auto focuses or auto white balances accurately, THIS IS BLOWING MY MIND.

Hope you like photos cos I'm never putting this thing down. Can't WAIT for Teesh's wedding this Friday when I'll really get to put it through its paces.

In the meantime: some crap, boring but SHARP AS HELL images from my dayjob-office this morning, and from the house recyclers, where we went to photograph windows, and ended up creeped out by 'quarantine - dead body' stickers and large dead bolts on a certain door. shudder.

nerd notes: all these, except the plant, taken with Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 (which as it turns out, is not fucked like I thought, and can autofocus like a charm given the right motivation!, however not so good at close ups; see plate 1: Charlie's Nose ), plant shot with Nikkor 50mm f1.4. Also I didnt tweak anything afterwards, which is why my feet are all purple (fluro light WB shot in naturalish light, doh) and the 'no dogs' sign is a tad over cooked.

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